Scrapbooking rooms have become staples in many homes in the U.S. as moms (and a few dads) have taken to memorializing their families with papers, stickers, photos, markers and tons of craft supplies. They are a parent's little oasis in the house, and dedicating and decorating one room to that purpose means filling it with all kinds of crafting goods. Here are a few electrical products you absolutely should have in your scrapbook room.

Hot Glue Guns and Glue Sticks

Sometimes those acid-free tapes and "cold" glue sticks lose their stickiness. Then photos and paper decorations fall out of your scrapbooks. With the use of an inexpensive hot glue gun and some acid-free hot glue sticks, your photos and die- or paper punch-cut decorations stay put. 

A Laminator

If you want your scrapbook pages to be durable and resistant to all liquids, then you need a laminator. Laminators are sold in craft and hobby stores in various sizes to accommodate your crafting needs. They can be as lightweight and slim as the single-page wand styles or they can be as heavy, boxy, and multipurpose as laser and injet printers. Almost all of them require electricity to heat the lamination sheets and seal their edges over and under your flat paper crafts.

Electric Paper Puncher/Cutter

These devices utilize design cartridges, which you plug into the machines, to create decorative edges, custom cut pages and creative cut-outs. They make your scrapbooking pages look like a professional created them. All you have to do is plug it into the wall, plug in a cartridge, insert paper or cardstock, select what you want to cut, and hit start to let the machine do the work. The older models are now relatively inexpensive, but newer models may be worth the hefty price tag and investment because they can do so much more than the earlier models. 

Magnifying Lights with Natural Light Enhancers

If you work in your scrapbooking room late at night, you may regret some of your color choices in the morning. The lamplight or overhead light does not have the same effect on colors that sunlight/natural light does. Having a magnifying crafter's lamp with natural light makes sure you can see details and colors clearly and with all the vision that sunlight provides. You can purchase either a desktop version or a free-standing floor model to suit your craft room needs.

High-End Sewing Machines

Adding embroidery or small sewn cloth appliques to your pages requires a high-end sewing machine. These newer (and quite expensive) sewing machines allow you to program them to sew designs into card stock with embroidery floss. Much like the electric paper cutters/punchers, you can select a design from the sewing machine's touch screen or add a design from a cartridge or the internet to create your own 3D effects on your scrapbook pages. To find out more information, contact a business like Koontz Hardware.
